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A downloadable Platform, Adventure 2D for Windows and macOS

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The green jumper will face several enemies such as a scorpion, a snake, a spider and among other things that will put his life in danger, which he has to survive until the end of the level. Also in each level we can see that there will be a trap that will put our hero's life in danger. In addition, he is going to face three bosses that are extremely dangerous and some of the difficulty will increase in terms of life. The game has 15 levels and three bosses, the difficulty of which will increase with each level.

The Player will move from right to left as normal in computer games. You can also use the left and right arrow to move as well. To jump you will use the Space bar. To select the levels and move on them you will use the right and left arrows. To select the level once you are standing on it you just have to press the space bar. To pass the level press up arrow for level complete. You can use game pad with this game in a computer, the button to jump en ps4 gonna be the triangle and xbox Y. The movement gonna be the normal.

To play the game on Windows what you have to do is unzip it and run Green Jumper.exe and for Mac just run the application.

Trailer video captured in Unity Engine is for trailer purposes only. The game is completely done.

demo —-

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Get this Platform, Adventure 2D and 255 more for $15.00 USD
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$2.50 $0.65 USD or more

In order to download this Platform, Adventure 2D you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $0.65 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Green Jumper 76 MB
Green Jumper Game 75 MB

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